Hi, I'm Laurence (or Jay, depending on who you ask). I'm a second-year BSc Computer Science for Games student at Sheffield Hallam University. That's a mouthful, and it doesn't actually say a lot about me!

I've been playing games since I was a kid, watching my dad play World of Warcraft and getting beaten by my brother at just about everything we played. My real passion has always been creating, no matter the form; paintings, stories, music, sewing, and of course, programming.  
For me, programming is yet another form of creative expression, and I thoroughly enjoy the style of problem-solving it demands.

Most of my programming experience has been making games and projects in C++ and Unity. I have experience working with DirectX 11, SFML, assembly, and PlayStation 4 DevKits.
You can download a copy of my CV here.
And find my GitHub here.
Things you don't care about... unless?

I have a couple of hobbies outside of gaming and programming. I like to class myself as a mediocre artist; here's a few things I've made recently for fun. In the rest of my free time, I also like playing D&D and looking after my ever-growing collection of houseplants. (I'm being overrun please send help)

my first time sewing something in probably ten years
my first time sewing something in probably ten years
miniatures are fun to paint :)
miniatures are fun to paint :)
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