Hi, I'm Laurence (or Jay, depending on who you ask). I'm a second-year BSc Computer Science for Games student at Sheffield Hallam University. That's a mouthful, and it doesn't actually say a lot about me!
I've been playing games since I was a kid, watching my dad play World of Warcraft and getting beaten by my brother at just about everything we played. My real passion has always been creating, no matter the form; paintings, stories, music, sewing, and of course, programming.
For me, programming is yet another form of creative expression, and I thoroughly enjoy the style of problem-solving it demands.
Most of my programming experience has been making games and projects in C++ and Unity. I have experience working with DirectX 11, SFML, assembly, and PlayStation 4 DevKits.
Things you don't care about... unless?
I have a couple of hobbies outside of gaming and programming. I like to class myself as a mediocre artist; here's a few things I've made recently for fun. In the rest of my free time, I also like playing D&D and looking after my ever-growing collection of houseplants. (I'm being overrun please send help)

my first time sewing something in probably ten years

miniatures are fun to paint :)